Avid Partners has engaged with the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) in relation to measures and guidance to be taken to ensure the provision of the highest standards of workplace protection for our colleagues for when we are permitted to work again from our office.
We are sharing this guidance with you as I hope it will provide you with the same comfort and assurance to secure a safe return to the workplace when restrictions are lifted.
It is vitally important that when we are permitted to return to the workplace that we as employers provide our colleagues and ourselves with the highest standard of workplace protection to protect against spreading the virus which could lead to a future lock downs prolonging the impact on our business and personal welfare.
Avid Partners has engaged the service of a cleaning contractor to deep clean our office and put in place measures to ensure the appropriate social distancing and hygiene standards within our office, canteen and WC facilities.
For further guidance, I have attached the link to the NSAI below: