Promoting the #Shoplocal message on Black Friday.
The Champion Green campaign promotes support for small businesses to keep prosperity in our local communities.
For every €10 spent locally, it can generate €50 for your local community. Currently, 70% of online sales in Ireland are being spent abroad.
‘Black Friday is traditionally a day when we start our Christmas shopping online. It is even bigger this year with month long offers and consumers eager to buy Christmas presents early. Local businesses are adapting and innovating, with everything from online sales to personal shopping, zoom consultations, direct marketing and home delivery. They deserve our support and together we can make this a Green Friday to remember.’ Marian O’Gorman, founder Champion Green.
Where to shop?
We have compiled a list of #SupportLocal Gift Guides & Directories below to help get you started.
- 400 Retailers for all your online Christmas shopping, Irish Times
- Guaranteed Irish launched a new website called guaranteedirishgifts.ie, a one-stop-shop for hundreds of Irish businesses throughout the country.
- Justbuyirish.com is another directory with hundreds of independent Irish producers that deliver to households across the country.
- Buy Irish Food is a great resource for foodies where you can check out profiles for Irish food businesses across a host of categories including niche things like gluten free and low carb.